Intrinsic value is the belief that something has value in and of itself. The intrinsic value of some resource is not necessarily measured monetarily, it can be measured by what it represents to humans
One example would be The Aransas Project (TAP) lawsuit against the State of Texas (Berner et al. 2013). The loss of several whooping cranes migrating through the Texas coast caused uproar in the coastal community. The whooping cranes hold great intrinsic value to the local community and to birdwatchers who travel annually to see the birds in their natural habitat. A lawsuit was brought against the state of Texas which was found in violation of the Endangered Species Act because the removal of freshwater due to water permits issued by TCEQ reduced freshwater inflows necessary for the whooping crane’s main food source, the blue crab, causing whooping crane mortalities. The decision was that TCEQ cannot issue water permits for the San Antonio and Guadalupe Rivers until it creates a Habitat Conservation Plan that will ensure inflows to San Antonio Bay and secure an Incidental Take Permit for whooping cranes.